Uncover insights and strategies to understand your mental health, cope better with longstanding challenges, and achieve your goals for functioning in daily life.
Psychological Evaluation
Comprehensive Psychological Testing and Evaluations for Adults
If you’ve ever wondered whether you might have an undiagnosed issue, our psychological evaluations can help make an expert determination. Our comprehensive assessment procedure is designed to provide insight into your mental health, daily functioning, and wellbeing.
During a psychological evaluation, you will work with one of our clinical psychologists who will conduct a thorough clinical interview to understand your personal and medical history. We will then administer a battery of tests and questionnaires customized for your individual needs and concerns. Some common components of a psychological evaluation include personality assessments, cognitive assessments, diagnostic questionnaires and interviews, and behavioral assessments.
Psychological evaluations can be beneficial for adult individuals who are experiencing mental health concerns, would like to make sense of recurring patterns of behavior, or are seeking guidance in making important life decisions. Results of the process can provide you with a better understanding of your strengths and weaknesses, help you identify areas for improvement, and provide recommendations for follow on treatment and support.
Diagnoses for Concerns Such as Adult ADHD and Autism
Our comprehensive evaluation process for adults gathers a broad array of information to understand your past experiences and current situation. Testing sheds light on areas including:
- emotional regulation
- cognitive functioning
- executive functioning
- behavioral issues
- social relationships
A formal diagnosis can be provided for issues such as:
- Anxiety and Depression
- Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD / Asperger’s)
- Specific Learning Disorders (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia)
What to Expect from an Adult Psychological Assessment
A diagnosis for Anxiety or Depression can typically be completed through a clinical interview over the course of a single 50-minute session. We are usually able to include a brief letter confirming any diagnosis found, which would be suitable for sharing with related medical or mental health professionals.
An assessment for complex neurodevelopmental disorders such as ADHD and Autism, typically requires 2-3 sessions, and includes:
- a thorough clinical interview
- a review of any past records you might have from doctors, therapists, or schools
- completion of multiple tests and questionnaires
- if feasible, a short phone interview with a parent or someone else who provide perspective on your behavior as a child
- a debriefing session to discuss implications and share recommendations for next steps
- a brief letter confirming any diagnosis, suitable for sharing with related medical or mental health professionals.
Should you require a formal report to be submitted as evidence for work, legal, forensic, or academic purposes, please let us know before booking an appointment. We can discuss whether a more thorough assessment should be arranged that would be appropriate for the highest levels of scrutiny.
If you are an adult student over the age of 18, requiring accommodations for classroom, exams, or other school related activities, you will most likely require a full Psychoeducational Evaluation.
To speak with one of our clinical psychologists to answer questions and discuss details, please Contact Us.
Therapist List

Dr. Jennifer Lau
Clinical Psychologist
DPsych (Clinical)

Dr. Andrew Stock
Clinical Psychologist
DPsych (Clinical)

Dr. Fabia Cheung
Clinical Psychologist
DPsych (Clinical)