Working with families to promote understanding, communication, and lasting positive change.
Family Therapy
Sometimes when we have conflict, it is very hard to hear someone out because we do not feel validated, heard or understood and vice versa. In family therapy, it is an opportunity for all family members to share in a safe space and give each other a chance to hear and to be heard.
Clear boundaries will be set in family therapy sessions so everyone can feel safe in sessions.
FAQ – Family Therapy
Does my whole family need to sit in? Who’s in family therapy?
No, we can start off meeting individually to check in on what’s going on and then add invite family members as you feel more comfortable. If you are comfortable, we can even have the family pet in the session!
In family therapy, do I HAVE to talk?
If we have a parent and child session, there is no obligation to say anything. We can start with either of you and the other can just listen, you’re welcome to chime in when you feel comfortable.
Will you tell my parents everything I tell you?
Even though we encourage honest and open conversations, we emphasise that confidentiality is critical in family work. You may meet with us alone before or during therapy, but anything shared is confidential and is not shared with other family members without your consent, unless you are in immediate danger, and even then, we can work together on how to keep you safe. We will work with you to create a supportive environment where you can explore your thoughts and feelings, and decide if and when you want to share that information with your family. This does not mean we encourage secrecy rather it is ensuring that we will not betray your confidence for things you are not yet ready to share. This works vice versa with your parents as well.
Therapist List

Dr. Fabia Cheung
Clinical Psychologist
DPsych (Clinical)

Dr. Jennifer Lau
Clinical Psychologist
DPsych (Clinical)

Pui-Yan Katie Leung